Serious Reasons Never to Use a Fake Paystub
Money is tricky – both to earn and to save. Parting with hard-earned cash toward taxes can be difficult. It is why we constantly endeavor to pack in tax benefits for our W-2 forms while building a paystub online or otherwise. Some people, however, get tempted to take a seemingly easy way out: making fake paystubs.
It is not uncommon for payment documents to get tampered with by people seeking urgent loans, finance for medical treatments, or aid from government organizations. Whatever be the driving force, making and using fake checkstubs is a major offense with serious repercussions.

Why it is Dangerous to Use Fake Paystubs
In this article, we have enlisted the topmost dangers associated with the use of false check stubs. When it comes to staying on the right side of the law, you can never be too careful.
1. You will compromise your mental peace
Generating and using an incorrect paystub is fairly simple. You might even get away with loan applications and insurance claims, without anyone suspecting something wrong. But you will perpetually have to live with the anxiety of getting caught. The IRS is vigilant, and so are other financial institutions. It is only a matter of time before most frauds get detected and duly punished.
2. As a self-employed professional, fake paystubs could cost you clients and gigs
If you are self-employed, you likely create your paystubs using software or an online paystub generator. It can be tempting to fudge the details to land a higher-paying project or premium clientele. However, if caught, you will not only lose the potential customer but may also be shamed and badmouthed to others in the industry.
A common problem that affects self-employed people is the lack of an official payment record every month. Without a company sharing this important document in every pay period, many people miss out on creating legal, accurate stubs. Ending up with an inaccurate checkstub because you lacked the required tools is a disastrous scenario.
Investing in a financial software application to perform this task is a sensible idea. You can also use a paid or free check stub maker with calculator. For instance, at, you can build regular or enhanced payment records at only $3.99 and $4.99 apiece. It is straightforward, requiring you only to enter a few essential details. The background calculator and generator instantly shoot the professional checkstub to your inbox or printer.
3. You can be black-listed for committing fraud
Many banks, loan providers, and financial bodies blacklist people apprehended for creating false paystubs. Getting black-listed can make it tough to get institutional monetary help in the future. Your loan applications might get rejected. In fact, if your accountant or other financial personnel advise you to commit paystub fraud, view it as an immediate red flag.
4. You may have to pay thousands of dollars in penalty
The penalty for committing paystub fraud is steep. If you have been using incorrect checkstubs to save on taxes, it might backfire. The money you end up owing to the IRS might be several times higher than the amount you initially saved. Needing to pay up high penalties can take all your financial planning for a toss.
5. You could end up in prison
This one is the last straw. It is entirely possible to be imprisoned for building fake paystubs and using them to secure loans, medical claims, or save tax money. While selecting a free check stub maker, you must be wary of fraudulent providers who use outdated data or fail to adhere to legal norms. The risk of serving a prison sentence looms over your head each time you fudge up numbers on your payslip.
What Happens if Your Employer Issues Fake Paystubs?
Let us examine the scenario where you are not the one attempting to generate false payment records. What if your employer is engaged in underhand business?
Well, if you are unfortunate enough to work for a company that engages in illegal activities, your employer may be issuing fake paystubs and minting money on the side. It may go unnoticed for a long time – until it isn’t. While you are not to be blamed for this directly, neither the IRS nor companies dealing in loans and insurance will take this lightly.
It is best to scrutinize your paystubs each month and be on your guard if you suspect anything awry. A few classic signs of false paystubs include mathematical mistakes, misaligned decimals, and irregular font usage. If you find that your employer is committing fraud, you should consult a lawyer for the best step forward.
Evidently, the risks associated with using fake paystubs are numerous. Whatever the savings or rewards you were hoping to generate, the trade-off does not seem either ethical or worthwhile. It is the safest option to rely on authentic paystubs only, whether you are a salaried employee or a self-employed professional. As they have been saying for centuries, it is better to be safe than sorry.
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